Munchkin News


March 27, 2020

We’re here for you. A message from our CEO on COVID-19.

Dear Munchkin Family,

How are you doing? Our lives have changed a lot in the past few weeks and I want to check-in on our extended family as we continue to adjust to life at home.

Many families are spending more time together than ever before. Our homes have turned into offices and daycares, while screen time is at an all-time high (along with our emotions).

Munchkin has been in the business of supporting families with quality products for three decades, and you will continue to find the Munchkin items you know and love at, through our online retailers and the many retail partners that stay open to serve our communities. But more importantly, all of you are in our hearts and prayers because being a new parent is scary enough without crisis to navigate at the same time.

That’s why we’ve developed a list of resources (below) to keep you and your kids entertained, and we will continually update it with new links.

In the meantime, connect with us on Instagram, tell us how you’re doing and share your own resources, tips and recommendations. Also consider adopting a new pet from a shelter. It is a great way to keep the kids entertained at home, as the most helpless of animals often suffer the most when a crisis or tragedy hits.

Remember, it’s the little things that make a big difference, from washing our hands to video-chatting with school friends and grandparents.

Stay safe, stay six feet apart, and stay (virtually) connected. We are here for you.


Steve Dunn

CEO, Munchkin, Inc.

