Parenting Tips


February 1, 2020

Symptoms, Remedies & Toys for Your Teething Baby

If your baby has begun teething and is experiencing discomfort, we know you want to do as much as you can to ease any pain your little one is having. Take heart! The teething information and tips on how to soothe a teething baby below will help both of you get through this stage with more ease.

When Does Teething Start for Babies?

While the timing of when babies get teeth varies widely, many babies begin getting teething by around 6 months of age. The two bottom front teeth are often the first to appear, followed by the two top front teeth.

Wondering how you can tell if your baby is teething? The most commonteething signs and symptoms include:

  • Drooling
  • Chewing on objects
  • Irritability or crankiness
  • Sore or tender gums
  • Low-grade rectal fever of 99 degrees Fahrenheit

Best Remedies for Teething Baby

To help soothe your teething baby, check out the common remedies below.

1. Use a Cold Washcloth 

To soothe sore gums, completely wet a clean washcloth, wring it out until damp and place it in the refrigerator to cool. Once cool, fold it and have your baby chew on it. If you allow your baby to hold the washcloth himself, keep a close eye on him as the washcloth can pose a choking hazard.

2.Massage Your Baby’s Gums

Thoroughly wash your hands and use a clean finger or moistened gauze pad to rub your baby’s gums in circular motions. The pressure can ease your baby’s discomfort.

3.Get Some Toys for Teething Babies

With a great variety of teethers available, you won’t know which ones your baby prefers until you try some out. So get a few different types to keep on hand and experiment to find the winners!

You’ll find options specifically designed for front teeth and back teeth, as well as massagers and ones that double as interactive toys to hold baby’s attention.
No matter which teethers you use, you’ll want to make sure they’re easy for your baby to hold and ensure they’re kept clean.

4.Wipe the Drool Away to Prevent Irritation

Since drooling is a regular part of the teething process, prevent skin irritation and help your baby be more comfortable by keeping her face clean and dry.

Have a clean cloth nearby so you can easily dry your baby’s skin whenever she drools. You may also want to apply a gentle moisturizer to your baby’s face for additional protection.

5.Provide Plenty of TLC

Cuddle time can be a great source of comfort for teething babies. Give your baby plenty of hugs and spend time just holding him. Sit together in a favorite chair and enjoy some relaxing quiet time while you rock your little one and ease his discomfort.

6.Try an Over-the-Counter Remedy

If your baby is especially cranky, acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) or ibuprofen (like Children’s Motrin) can help alleviate the discomfort.

We know the teething phase can be difficult for both parents and babies. But now that you’re equipped with some simple ways to soothe your little one’s teething troubles, you can rest assured you’ll both get through this stage more comfortably.
